H-467: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge

If you wish, you may make a social roll – I’d suggest Diplomacy, but Acting, Fast Talk or Sex Appeal would all be acceptable.

If you wish, you may make a Body Language roll.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    12 vs 15 for Diplomacy. She’s not being deliberately provocative, more laying out her boundaries.

    13 vs 14 for Body Language. Hehehe, I doubt she’ll get much with that.

    Raina might get the impression that Lia is testing the waters here. She is curious as to how Raina is going to respond to this Gambit. I do tend to feel that their interactions run a bit like a chess match. This would be considered an aggressive defence of Lia as queen. 😁

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