H-458: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge
Timey-wimey terms
fyi, The rough equivalent of ‘a couple of hours’ is a Job.
(Like, how long will it take you to go do this Job? – About 2½ hours. How long will it take you to do this Task? – About 15 minutes. How long is your Shift? – 8 hours.)
Upper Lounge
Angela says, “an aerostat will be waiting for you when you’re ready to leave.”
Angela does back to her discreet wall terminal and begins speaking quietly into it – presumably organising Lia’s ride.
Raina says, “let’s enjoy the time we have then.”
Would Lia like to steer the conversation in any particular direction? This would be a good opening if she does.
Can we just call them all timey wimey things? My brain understands the logic behind the terms but as evidenced, I will never remember them. 😜
Lia will take another bite of her delicious pancakes as she watches Raina up the other end of the table. She has the appearance of someone trying to figure out a puzzle.
“Do your quiet days always involve meetings and work?”