H-443: Little Isle Manor House, Upper Lounge


Cheggs is a term reserved specifically for chicken eggs laid by an actual chicken, as opposed to farmed eggs or egg-flavoured food technology constructs.


Upper Lounge

The coffee is smooth, chocolatey, with herbal flavour notes, spiciness, and a lingering richness on the back of Lia’s palate.

Raina will allow Lia time to taste and then explain, “virgin beans, grown and processed on Felline.  Turns out it has a great climate for coffee growing and there’s a new little experimental coffee plantation there.  I had some imported.” 


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    This term amuses me.

    Lia eyebrows rise steadily as she absorbs the complexity of flavours. She looks up at Raina for the explanation. At the mention of Felline, there is a spark of excitement in her expression.

    She cradles the cup in her hands and leans in to inhale the aroma before taking another mouthful and closing her eyes to fully experience the sensation.

    After a moment she will open her eyes lazily and gaze at Raina.

    “That…is pure decadence.”

    Her voice is pitched low and slow.

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