H-404: Little Isle Manor House, Wardrobe


Tempted as I am to make you roll against Curiosity for the locked cabinet, I shan’t.



Some time passes, Lia will probably be feeling a little tired when she’s finished exercising her OCD (or is it CDO?)

When she exits the wardrobe it’s dark through the Atrium skylight and the giant light fitting has been turned on, throwing a warm illumination into the large open space.  

She has her new garments in hand.  There are a couple of people sitting at the far corner of the big table in the conference/dining room she passed earlier, talking quietly over drinks.  There are other signs of continued party activity, but things have definitely quieted down some. 

What now?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    I prefer to think of it as Compulsive Wardrobe Organising.

    She will make her way back down to the lower level, smiling at the people in the conference room as she passes. Incidentally, were there any accessories in the wardrobe area?

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