H-403: Little Isle Manor House, Wardrobe


Indeed, Lia’s knowledge of breaking locks will have to await a future tutorial from a young Vizierate agent while she’s cooling her heels in a hyperspace jump aboard a shady merchant freighter.



The locked cabinet is featureless and stubborn about clues.  Though she’s not particularly knowledgeable about locks, her Streetwise will tell her that the lock itself is a simple mechanical thing and doesn’t look particularly secure, so this probably isn’t a secret store for the Overlord’s jewels.  It is, however, secure from casual inspection.

Lia is able to piece together half-a-dozen outfits from bits and pieces as she has described.  Will she take them all or just pick a couple of favourites?

Incidentally, while fashionistering she can note that Raina’s cast-offs seem to have gotten just a little bigger over time – her guess might be that her host was once a little trimmer than she is now. 


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She really wants to know what’s in the cabinet but she doesn’t want to offend her host, so she will resist the urge to break the lock.

    After much umming and ahhing she will choose two of her compiled outfits and put them aside.

    She will then meticulously return every other item to it’s place of origin and hang it up neatly.

    She will also begin organising the wardrobe by colour and style, so that everything is easy to find…

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