H-401: Little Isle Manor House, Wardrobe

Using the basics of her fashion sense, I think Lia can probably piece together something quite workable from such a fine palette as the wardrobe room.

If you wish to roll for how well she does, give me an IQ, High Society or Carousing roll, otherwise I’ll assume she does OK.

Is she just looking to build a set of clothes from what’s in the wardrobe, or perhaps looking for something more?  If so, and you’d like, you may roll Observation to see what else may be seen. 

How long is she likely to play dress ups?  Is an attentive roll in order?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Definitely looking for something more if she can find it – 12 vs 14 for Observation.

    She’s likely to stay in there for a while, particularly if she discovers some interesting stuff… I believe an attentiveness roll might be in order but I don’t know how to do that. My sheet just says -1 cos it’s only a quirk.

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