H-383: Little Isle Manor House, Parlour

“It’s a party, you don’t have to be anywhere, but I put on breakfast for the overnight guests and the all-nighters.  Then for those still around and a couple of special invites there’s an event – we’ll start rounding people up at the GY Break.

“Most people leave through Green Shift after lunch.”

Raina pauses, studying Lia’s arrested hand motion.

“You’re welcome to stay another Cycle, if you have no other plans.”


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:


    She seems a little flustered by that invitation. Raina has caught her unawares.

    “Well I brought something to wear for tomorrow but if you’d like me for longer, I’ll need some more clothes…”

    There is something unusually innocent about this moment that might strike Raina. It would appear that Lia is used to being organised and prepared, catching her out like this reveals something less polished in her demeanor.

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