H-380: Little Isle Manor House, Parlour

Raina finishes her drink, reaches for the bottle for a refill.  She’s momentarily distracted by Lia’s fingerplay on the figures, and possibly the background behind them.

“There is a list… of things I wanted to discuss regarding your project…”

So Lia can accept Raina’s change of subject, or challenge it – with whatever degree of subtlety you may consider appropriate.

Either way I’d like you to make a social roll on a social skill of your choosing:  If Lia accepts the diversion, she may be able to gain something from having Raina slightly off-balance; if she challenges the diversion she may need to work to ensure Raina remains receptive.

As ever, there may be alternatives to the above options.

What would you like to do?  


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    5 vs 15 for Diplomacy

    Lia will accept the change, though she is mildly disappointed. She is however, speaking to her boss, so she will take it with reasonably good grace.

    “Ah, that list…”

    There is a moment where those playful eyes linger on her over the glass before Lia puts the wine down on the table and gives herself a little shake. She crosses her legs and attempts to regain some level of professionalism.

    “I confess I’m probably not in the most alert state for more business discussion but I’ll do my best.”

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