H-338: Little Isle Manor House, Parlour

“You said they disapproved, then said it was about you personally.  I’m asking for clarification on that and, yes, I am asking about your perspective on that.  As long as it’s not prying.”   


3 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She takes a long moment to look at Raina, apparently considering something behind her eyes. Finally she takes a long draught of her wine, savouring the flavours before studying the colours in her glass.

    “There are many things I enjoy about my life. Certain scents, colours and textures that bring me joy. Very few of those things have to do with duty to the Dominion and how best to fulfill my role within the Overlord’s structure.”

    She transfers her gaze to Raina and leans forward slightly.

    “I prefer the lingering scent of perfume on a woman’s skin, the sharp lines of a finely tailored suit over a man’s shoulders, the sharp glint of diamonds next to the steady beat of a lover’s pulse, the electric charge of an underground nightclub throbbing with life…”

    A beat.

    “I am drawn to people, to passion and creative expression. My parents are slaves to the order of the Dominion. For me, that felt like…a slow death by suffocation without being able to find the cause. It wasn’t until I broke away that I finally felt I could breathe.”

    She swirls what remains in her glass slowly.

    “If you’re looking for perspective, let’s just say that it was a mutual lack of understanding.”

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:


    There is an element of a touched nerve as she speaks.

    Lia is well aware that lies are best served if they are as close to the truth as possible. She is also a little drunk and Raina has tickled a nerve.

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