H-317: Little Isle Manor House, Parlour

Dealer’s Choice

If you wish, you may roll Body Language.

Raina pauses, perhaps assessing, perhaps simply sipping her Mundo Zargo before responding.

“There’s something to be said for staying within the rules of the game; it can be a wild place if you choose the unfettered path.”


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    11 vs 14 for Body Language.

    There is a lengthy pause where Raina will clearly see that Lia would very much prefer to choose the road less traveled. The temptation to place her foot on that path is so strong that she actually opens her mouth whilst staring Raina down.

    Then something flickers in her gaze and she looks away.

    “I was raised on Emmaline. Not exactly a glamorous upbringing.”

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