H-306: Little Isle Manor House


Angela gives her a professional smile and leads her to the elevator, puts a separate security dongle – not a Mer ID tag – against the reader inside and presses for the third floor.

The lift rises quickly and quietly and they emerge through another door that looks like it leads to a room not an elevator.  The third level is a U-shape around the void of the atrium, two walkways along the arms of the U with doors leading off and at the base of the U, and open space with ornate-modern couches in keeping with the stone-and-gilt styling of the building, a bar, a deep rug, entertainment console and other items of furniture including… that looks like a keyboard among a couple of other instruments in one corner.   

They pass by the top of the main stairs, Angela pausing briefly to catch the eye of the Grey Jacket stationed near the rope at the foot of the stair.  He notes them and nods.    

She leads Lia to a door in the centre of the left-hand walkway.  Angela uses her security dongle, there’s a brief pause and the door opens.  

Beyond, Raina is seated on a couch, leaning in one corner, a low boxy table before her with a carafe and glasses, a PDA in one hand.  Another couch at an angle around the table.  

She looks at Lia, “come in.”

Angela stands back for Lia to enter. 


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will smile at Angela.

    “Thank you.”

    She will turn to Raina and give her a smile of her own as she enters and makes her way over to the opposite couch.

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