H-294: Little Isle Manor House, Function Room

Raina stops, turns toward Lia and gives her her full attention, putting the hand back on her arm.

“I am busy; being hostess places certain demands and, in full candour, that is partly why I’m holding this function.

“That said, there is a need as I have made a commitment.  And, ” she gives Lia a brief smile with her eyes, “I’m looking forward to it.”

She will focus on Lia with the full weight of her not inconsiderable personality until she receives a response or acknowledgement. 


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia takes a long moment to process all of that and to fully take in the weight of Raina’s personality.

    Raina will no doubt notice that she has all of Lia’s attention in this moment, herself. Two powerful personalities standing to attention and sizing each other up. I’m going to say that Raina will feel Lia’s stubborn will tugging against her resolve – she is no pushover when she digs her heels in and she isn’t used to being steamrolled by a more dominant will than her own.

    She toys with the idea of insisting on the polite brush off response just to see what Raina will do before deciding against that option. Perhaps wisely.

    Raina will spot that little spark of fire in Lia’s eyes as she considers pushing back before she makes a deliberate choice to acquiesce.

    This is something most people would miss completely but Raina might get a sense that Lia gave her just enough to let her in for that moment.

    She gives her a slow smile, her eyes alight with the remains of that simmering fire.

    “I’d like to hear more about that.”

    She gives a small nod.

    “Later it is.”

    She doesn’t seem bothered by the hand on her arm.

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