H-284: Little Isle Manor House, Function Room


Lia feels she’s made a positive impression on both at the ends of the conversations.  The Junior Secretary seems determinedly heterosexual (to the point Lia catches her checking out one of the muscular young male grey-jackets serving drinks).  The male Undercrat gives off some slightly quirky bisexual vibes, he definitely checks Lia out, but she doesn’t necessarily get a good vibe from him in that regard; were she considering him as a client he’d probably warrant further screening.



Raina is wearing a fire-engine red business jacket with chocolate-brown liner/lapels and trims, her pants are the reverse – chocolate brown with red trims and a wide red belt and tucked onto brown leather knee-high boots.  Her natural brown hair has red highlights to match the outfit and is done in an updo surmounted by something in anodised red metal that’s not quite a fascinator and not quite a tiara.  She’s wearing dangly earrings in dark metal and are studded with what looks like garnets and smokey quartz.  

Raina doesn’t acknowledge Lia – or anyone with whom she makes eye contact; she’d probably be a good Chak player.


Function Room

I assume she would have spoken to Formal Wear at some pint – enough to learn his name and position at a minimum.  He acknowledges her with a small nod but doesn’t smile in return, but that seems consistent with what she learned of him when she was aboard Captree Traveller.

I’ll assume Lia isn’t particularly near the buffet at this point, but close enough for both Raina and Magnus to have spotted her easily.

Having reached the buffet, Magnus selects some food and Raina uses the opportunity to take a drink from a server (who looked to be bringing her something specifically) and turns away from Magnus to chat to some people nearby without taking anything to eat herself.   

Lia notices that Cinna has slipped into the room behind Raina and looks to be assessing the room from near the door, a glass of basi in her hand.

What would you like to do?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia enjoys Raina’s outfit and files away a desire to get a closer look at her jewellery, in particular her hair ornament.

    She will continue lightly chatting with the people she was in conversation with, whilst watching the shifting dynamic of the room since Raina’s entrance. She will acknowledge Cinna if she catches her eye but is mostly focused on who is in the group of hangers on and their behaviour.

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