H-275: Little Isle Manor House, Pool


“Well, I assume you’re familiar with the publishing laws, no more than 49 copies of a document without a publishing license.  Well, for legal purposes a musical composition is a document, which means it’s subject to scrutiny by a licensed publisher, who is subject to Cultural Bureau regulation, or go through the Cultural Bureau itself as publisher or for publication pre-approval.

“So, as songs are considered fictional works by default, they’re subject to the Cultural Bureau’s Realism in Fiction regulations for approved content.”

Future Lia will have a discussion with Ipan about Realism and Naturalism.  Clyde will cover the topic here again if she wishes.

“It’s possible to navigate the regulations and get a Naturalist, that’s any non-Realist work, approved, but it’s a lot of effort and I’ve only ever bothered doing it for clients, not for myself.”



“Yeah, Mer Brownej really helped me out.  It’s kinda smooth that Mer Raina invited me here even though she didn’t work directly on my case.”

Clyde responds, “Well, I consulted on a couple of ideas with her, maybe she just took an interest.”  


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    “Why not for yourself? Too much effort or too much red tape?”

    “I take it you’ve met, even though she didn’t work on your case directly?”

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