H-273: Little Isle Manor House, Pool


Clyde plays a few different stringed instruments – basically the Dominion’s versions of 6- and 12-string guitars, and he sings.  He also likes to write songs, but mostly for his own enjoyment.

He senses her embarrassment, and tones it down a little, but won’t really drop it until sportsing Brady arrives.



He nods in slightly exaggerated understanding, “smooth – no biggie – sometimes I introduce myself and I get a conversation, sometimes I wind up autographing tits.”

Clyde responds, “I think our tits are fine, Brady.”

“Sure, Mer Brownej,” to Lia, “so, I play Sportsball, and you…?”


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She will happily chat music tastes until they’re interrupted. She leans towards jazz but also enjoys more modern styles with a smattering of eclectic artists. She is interested in his song writing.

    Does Clyde seem annoyed at Brady’s interruption?

    Lia chuckles over the tits comment.

    “I work with Mer Brownej. I’m a consultant.”

    She looks up at him through her sunglasses from the lounger.

    “Do people really do that? Get you to sign body parts?”

    She turns to include Clyde.

    “Seems very short sighted.”

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