H-269: Little Isle Manor House, Pool

It’s really up to you; if any of those people are of interest or potential utility to Lia (either Future Lia or Flashback Lia) she can engage with them, and we can cover the conversation interactively or in the abstract.  Equally, if you’d just like to explore the characterisation of a particular individual (or individuals) as a player, feel free to do that too.  She can continue to chat to Clyde if she wishes, again seeking utility or just enjoying the interaction, or asking him for more information.  Also, now I’ve actually had a chance to turn my mind to who’s at the party she can go back to her sun lounger and we can see about answering her experimental question about who else might seek her out. 

Alternately, if you’d like to move on, we can skip forward to a specific point if you prefer, or Lia can just see how the function plays out, or you can indicate a planned course of action round the general things Lia might wish to do which may or may not play out as she expects. 


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Goodness, okay. Well let’s say that in the course of chatting to Clyde she resumes her lounging and we’ll see if anyone else shows up to either interrupt or join the conversation.

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