H-250: Little Isle Manor House, Lia’s Guest Room
In response to her thanks, she receives a, “Pleasure Mer.”
To her next question, “there’s a few people here already, most out near the pool where drinks and snacks are being served. There’s going to be meals available a little later in the big function room, you can check there now if you like, but I think they’re still setting up. You’re welcome to visit the house and see who’s there, but I think most activity is at the pool right now.
“Mer Raina has some private meetings scheduled with some of the guests and will be joining the party a little later.”
Outside, the shadow of an aerostat crosses the lawn; Pasquale’s eyes flick to it, but he waits to see if Lia has more questions.
Lia gives him another smile in thanks.
“I know you have other guests to chauffeur. I’ve kept you long enough.”