H-249: Little Isle Manor House

First grey jacket introduces himself as Ferris.

Lia notes that Ferris is armed – a small weapon tucked away inside his waistband.

He nods appreciation at her thanks.

The aerostat park is concealed behind a row of aesthetic and sound-covering trees and bushes; Pasquale threads the cart along a path between them toward a long building that, like most of the main buildings Lia will see here, seems to be made of stone panels the same colour as the cliffs on which they stand.  The long building – the Guest Quarters – is surrounded by patches of gardens before a swath of what is probably artificial turf runs all the way to a low wall at the cliff edge.  She can see the roof of the main house behind it.

Pasquale halts the cart before a set of metal steps leading to the building’s upper storey.

“Up the stairs Mer, at the end.” 

A small metal sign on the steps reading ’10 – 12′ seems to support his assertion.

If she leads the way, he will follow with her luggage.  

The stairs are at one end of the building, at the top, a turn to a small corridor, three doors – left, right and centre.  The one at corridor’s end marked with ’11’.

From behind her, Pasquale says, “Your tag should unlock it.”

If she follows his instructions she will find a two-room suite:  One main bedroom, one much smaller that can double as separate office if required, a large lounge with terminal off to one side in a work area with furniture arranged to give some separation, small kitchenette, big bathroom with a shower and a large deep bath big enough for two.  One wall of the lounge is glass with a balcony beyond, that overlooks the ocean, chairs and tables and a large umbrella with its edges whipping in the breeze.

Pasquale will put her luggage on a bench apparently intended for the purpose. 

“Anything I can assist you with, Mer?”    


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Once again, she is rather impressed. It is helping to form a picture of Raina in her head.

    She smiles at Pasquale.

    “You’ve already helped quite a bit. I don’t think I would ever have found this without you.

    Do you know how many people are already here, Pasquale? And where they might be?”

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