H-248: Little Isle Manor House

The estate is considerably smaller than her aunt and uncle’s spidon ranch, but a lot bigger than her parents’ home (I always imagined them living in big penthouse or similar; but, your backstory.  If she did grow up in a detached house it would have been big, but not at the scale where an electric cart is needed to get from the parking area to the house.)

The man in the neat grey jacket greets her formally, a PDA in hand.

“Welcome Mer, if I could please scan your tag?”

Assuming she’s happy to comply (is that what’s on the end of the chain… or is that attached somewhere else?) he will check his PDA and on seeing the results nod more warmly but still with formality.  He gives a beckoning wave and another neat grey jacket approaches at the controls of a small electric cart.  This man is younger – barely more than a boy.

First grey jacket gestures to her luggage, “Please, allow us.”

Again assuming she’s happy to allow it, cart boy will dismount from the cart and stow her luggage in a small cargo area at the rear.  

First grey jacket says to cart boy, “the Mer is staying in guest room eleven.”

To Lia, “Pasquale here will take you to the guest wing, feel free to freshen up if you wish.  The main house is just a short walk along the path from there.  Left to the house or right to the pool.  If you need anything, ask one of the stewards,” he indicates himself by way of example, “or call housekeeping from your room.”

Question:  What time has Lia chosen to arrive?

If you wish, you may make a PER or Observation roll.




1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She is happy to do all of those things. Her ID bracelet is where it usually is. 😜 Lia will ask his name and then thank him for his assistance before greeting Pasquale and entering the cart.

    She would have arrived reasonably early in the allowed time frame but not so early as to be first. She does know how to do parties.

    8 vs 14 for Observation.

    No questions so far. Her jacket is fastened at this point, hence the disappearing chain…

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