H-242: Cap Isle, Central District, Law Offices of Zevon, Croolsee, Brownej and Raina

Law Offices of Zevon, Croolsee, Brownej and Raina


Nothing especially leaps out as a red flag.


Business Cards

It’s not so much a cover identity, as it is a cover; a role that she can legitimately claim to be in should she need to do so.  It’s one that allows her to ask questions – she’s a researcher – and also to not give answers ‘I’m sorry it’s not appropriate for me to discuss details of cases I may be working on’.  It also allows Raina an apparently legitimate way to pay her for her work.  It occurs to me that, should Lia wish, she can also use it to ‘pay people for their time in assisting with her research’ (because bribery is such an ugly word).


The Next Thing

So, we can assume Lia will start the activities into the Vista Reef Arcology project covered by the previous sets of rolls.

Cinna has work for her ‘if she can fit it in’, but she tells Lia that Raina has made it clear that the arcology work is her priority.

Will she also continue her escort work (Esha seems keen, though there’s a sense she’s getting itchy feet)?  

Will she also continue her jewellery work?

Anything else she’d like to do in this period, which will initially last a dekaCycle or so (couple of weeks)?



I need to go do stuff, so answer those questions and then I’ll let you know what happens next! 


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She will fit Cinna’s work in if her activities for Raina allow for it. Her escort work is more of a night job and tends to be (hourly), so again that will be accommodated on a case by case basis. She will prioritize the double dates with Esha while she has access to her.

    Her jewellery will fall to the back burner unless she has any pressing commissions.

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She might still play with jewellery and perfume in rare moments of downtime.

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