H-233: Cap Isle

It turns out that it’s quite difficult to find data on Raina, very few photos, no gossip, definitely nothing on romantic partners.  If she is thorough in her research, and with Attentive, I assume that she will be, Lia will find a couple of photos of functions here and there in which Raina appears in the background or a a group shot.  The functions are varied in topic, but always noted as being ones where members of the Secretariat are attending.  The riotous colour thing appears to have started prior to the date of the earliest photo.

If she digs she will be able to find evidence of where Raina has executed her role in the legal system, she’s a qualified Advocate in the technical legal sense – able to appear before an Inquisitor or other legal adjudicator to present a case.

More digging/questions, or off to her meeting at Zevon, Croolsee, Brownej and Raina?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Off to her meeting with a head full of stuff, I think.
    She will dress in a professional suit with an emerald green shirt.

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