H-228: Captree, Platters on The Esplanade

Lia can note some of the other recipients of Raina’s attention, though apart from a brief nod at Cinna she doesn’t recognise any at this point.

Raina does indeed make eye contact in the final toast, lingering briefly before necessarily breaking contact to play to the crowd.  The moment plays out essentially as you have described.

After the speech there’s a mingling, with a sense that Raina herself is unhurriedly moving toward the exit, stopping to mingle along the way.  


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia feels ruffled and doesn’t enjoy the experience of feeling as if she’s not 100% in control. She will pick at the buffet and deliberately turn her back on wherever Raina currently is in an attempt to quiet her emotions.

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