H-170: Captree


Getting to Know You

I was referring to Lia trying to make a contact at the Cultural Bureau.  I must apologise though – I did make an assumption about a course of action – Lia is, of course, free to tell the producer that they will move forward without involving the Cultural Bureau.

However, should she choose to do some research and then make an appointment to see the right person and then not lose her patience while the Bureau handballs her around for a bit, I think she can indeed engage the Cultural Bureau in the venture.

If she would like to engage with someone from the Cultural Bureau, how’d you like to give me a roll on an appropriate social skill to see how the interpersonal stuff with that person goes?  Diplomacy comes to mind, but Sex Appeal, Fast Talk (bribery?) or any number  of others are possible.  NB:  There’s also a positive modifier from the previous success of the High Society roll.


The Proposal

She has not yet heard anything back from Madison.


The Producer

The Producer used her Lia Silver-Rose address to contact her.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Ha! The use of that address makes her narrow her eyes and slightly regret underestimating Madison. Based on the timing of that response, how quickly would Lia assume that Madison acted on her proposal?

    No, that’s okay, she’s happy to have researched the Cultural Bureau and tried to find the most likely person she should contact (or possibly the person who might be most amenable to an approach). Did she glean anything useful from her research that might indicate who that might be? Or anything about that person, such as their gender, whether they’re into fashion, food, high society name droppers, etc? She’s willing to slide back into a level of Eliana’s skin for this if she needs to, though a little part of her is tempted to use her starstruck assistant persona from Madison’s vidmail just to needle her a little 😜

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