H-167: Captree

Lia’s Place



Double Team



Catching Up



The Restaurant Scam

Esha’s Part

After a couple of dekaCycles pass, during which Esha flits in and out of Lia’s life, and occasionally apartment, Esha invites Lia to a meeting at Platters, where she introduces some new ‘friends’.  If Lia can arrange for free food and drink, and a bouncer, just in case, they will start using Platters as a place to meet and bring clients. 


Restaurant Connections

Meanwhile, Lia’s foray into the world of restaurant logistics and competition is showing some rewards.  Initially there’s a good deal on imported goat meat obtained with nothing other than her winning personality and some visible cleavage.  Was that the sort of thing she was hoping to achieve in this space, or something else?



Roll Sex Appeal + Charisma.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    I’m sure after either a chat with Cinna or a chat with the owner mentioning Cinna, free food, drink and a bouncer could be arranged.

    In terms of restaurant connections, yes that’s fine but she was also hoping to find someone who could put the word out that this location is safe for certain underhand business meetings. Then again, that could potentially involve another conversation with Cinna.

    14 vs 19 for Sex Appeal + 3 for Charisma + 2 for Voice.

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