H-119: Captree, Platters on the Esplanade


“I assumed the terms of the engagement would not have altered, yes.”

She touches Lia’s hand again, appearing to show casual intimacy.  There’s another unauthorised card concealed in there.



Cinna enjoys discussing, politics, business and economics, fashion and people’s motivations for their actions.  Though she likes good food, she’s not a ‘foodie’ by any means and discussions of food and drink are at best, information gathering exercises for her practical future use.  For example, she’s chosen an expensive import, but Basi is a drink of the lower classes.  It’s obvious she pays attention to the major Sportsball competitions, but she seems to have no passion for the game itself, just using it as a tool of social interaction.  Though Lia has heard her comment knowledgeably about the game Carom, and it’s likely that she can play.  She seems to know a little bit about a wide variety of topics, and seems to practise getting people talking in their fields of interest or expertise by using that knowledge to ask questions that provoke responses that she will hopefully find interesting .  



Once the door’s closed, there’s a definite sense of ‘down to business’, however, she definitely doesn’t like to be rushed and going too fast with things seems to risk making her freeze up.  Conversation afterwards seems to be a mood thing, not consistent, or perhaps just limited by other demands on her time; for example, on their third encounter she began proceedings by looking at her watch and stating, “Winta, dear, I have to be showered and on my way in five tasks; I hope that doesn’t offend your professional sensibilities.”  However, other times she’s been happy for Lia to remain and they’ve talked.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will reach out and take Cinna’s hand to receive the card. Her hand will linger this time and she will gently caress her fingers as she removes their contents. She maintains eye contact for the entire time.

    The card disappears in the same fashion as before. She will check it at a later point

    Once that part is done, her body language will become more languid, slightly relaxed posture with a little curve to her spine. She will drape her left arm over the back of the chair, allowing her coat to fall open, revealing the swell of her breasts and that little strip of honeyed skin at her waist.

    She lifts her glass to Cinna and gives her a slow blink.

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