H-069: Passenger Liner Captree Traveller, Resi Lounge Dining Room

Empathy and Evaluation

At the Table

The three on one side of the table are almost certainly a family, ‘Father’ is older – 21-22 – than ‘mother’18-19.  The Legionnaire appears unknown to them and ‘mother’ is leading the questioning of the newcomer.  From her current position, she doesn’t have a good view of ‘daughter’ so can’t make an effective evaluation.  The woman seated near the Legionnaire seems to be happy to maintain her observer role for now.


The Group of Four including Loud Attire

The three who are not ‘loud-attire’ might also be a family group.  ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ of this pair are both aged about 17 and the adult ‘son’ is probably 7-going-on-8.  These three show every sign of being conscious of ‘proper etiquette’, Lia has a sense that the ‘son’ is being consciously attentive despite wanting to be somewhere else.

‘Loud-attire’ is a slightly hunched man with a beakish face, who at first glance seems older than his actual age, which is probably 16.  He seems to be nodding cautiously at whatever ‘father’ has just said, as if perhaps he doesn’t fully agree but doesn’t want to argue the point.  He’s noted Lia and her beauty briefly, but maintains attention on the current conversation.


The Two Men including PDA Man

‘PDA man’ is clearly not socially confident and was probably on his PDA as an alternative to social interaction.  Aged about 10, he’s wearing slightly unfashionable-but-neat casual clothes and Lia suspects this is probably his best attire, and it is not in keeping with current Zargionian (or Captree) sartorial tastes.  The man 13-to-15 who has just approached him is almost the opposite, well dressed in cocktail wear that says ‘Octant 6‘ is extroverted, comfortable in his skin and expansive in his movements, beckoning one of the Stewards for attention.  


The Newcomer in Formal Wear

He is reserved and observant, confident in his movements.  He pauses deliberately to catalogue the room, and awaits the attention of a Steward.  Lia has a sense she has been noted, filed and will be actioned in due course.


The Stewards

At first glance, these are professional servers, well trained and courteous.  The one not pre-occupied with serving drinks to the group of four acknowledges the summons of ‘the extroverted man’, and moves to serve the ‘newcomer in formal wear’ first.


Resi Lounge Dining Room

What now?


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will respond to the steward and ask for a gin fizz before approaching the table. She will sit alone, with space either side. She is curious as to who might approach her.

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