H-034: Thickth Bar, The Lounge

Kamphet watches Lia approach. 

As she goes closer she can see the low table has an ashtray, several empty glasses, a half-full one that is presumably Kamphet’s and a fuzzer.

Kamphet himself is tall and skinny, dark skinned, a mop of dark curly hair, pale brown eyes, crooked nose, aged about 13.  He’s wearing dark pants and shirt underneath the Red Jacket, which has a bulky cut, epaulets, gold trim and braid.

With a small hand gesture he motions for Lia to take a seat opposite.  


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    She does so, quite gracefully.

    “I’m not certain the gentleman was happy with your meeting.”

    She glances in the direction of the retreating couple.

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