How do we want to play?

  The Initial Questions

How to do dice rolls?
How should we format our posting?

  The Summary of the Discussion

  Dice Rolls

Players will generally make their own rolls.  Occasionally the GM will make a roll to speed play.

  Posting Conventions

The GM will create a new post in the current module thread, players will respond with their actions in the comments to each of those posts.
Occasionally the GM may post in the comments to speed play along, eg, if seeking quick clarification on some point.


In practice, while many of the PCs are on hiatus, we post back and forth as quickly as we feel like it.
With more players, the GM will generally wait up to 48 hours for all responses, otherwise the player does nothing.  Life being life, the GM response may occasionally take more than 48 hours.
Individual interactions with a single player (eg a conversation just involving them) may be done faster.

  No, Wait…

Given the mechanics of this style of play, in order to move things forward, posts may be lengthy and cover a number of actions.  Players (and the GM) are always free to interrupt that flow and announce an action part-way through an immediately previous description.
This may or may not make subsequent parts of such a post redundant.
GM:  The Security Chief counts down from ten to one, at which point she shoots the Medic in the chest with her rifle.
Player (in the subsequent post):  When she reaches three, if the Medic hasn’t done anything, my character will stand between them to block the line of fire.
In the above example, the player’s action in the subsequent post prevents the Security Chief from shooting the Medic, perhaps resulting in something like:
GM:  The Security Chief orders your character to stand aside.  Your Code of Honour disadvantage requires you to obey your superiors, doesn’t it?
At this point the Security Chief has not shot the Medic, and that action may still be averted.


  The GURPS mechanics of Death

For general injury:
HP = Less than 0 – Make a HT roll to remain conscious every second character attempts any action; negatives apply with increasing damage. 
In addition:
HP x -1; HP x -2; HP x -3; HP x -4;  – Make a HT roll or die
HP x -5 – Automatic death
HP x -10 – Death plus destruction of body
eg:  A character with 10 HP has to roll to remain conscious after taking 10 damage (0HP) makes their first death saving throw after 20 damage (-10HP) and dies after 60 damage (-50HP).
There are also a number of other creative ways the GURPS rules have of killing characters.

  The Campaign Mechanics of Death

The problem with Death is that it does tend to interfere with character growth and story development.  In the event of a character death under the mechanics, player and GM can discuss an appropriate outcome.

8 Responses

  1. Overlord Frank says:

    Also, posts can be deleted by using the more actions (Cog wheel) button and selecting delete page. However, be careful. You all have Editor ability and you can easily blow away a bunch of other people’s hard work.

  2. Overlord Frank says:

    (1) You’re all adults; roll your own dice when needed and post the result.

    (2) I think there are two basic options, with some variant tweaks:

    Option 1: When the GM wants to give information I will put a new post in the current module thread. Players respond by making comments to that post.

    Option 2: Everybody posts in the current module thread.

    Option 2a: When a character acts, it goes as a post in the module thread. Table talk, discussions between characters, rule clarifications etc. go in comments.

    Thoughts? Alternatives?

  3. Overlord Frank says:

    This is an important post, so I have moved it under the Play section rather than bury it within in a module post series.

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