UT119 – Elecrolasers

Electrolasers use a pair of low-power far-ultraviolet laser beams to create an ionized path through the air, then transmit an electrical discharge that follows this to the target. In effect, they’re an electric stun gun that uses a laser beam instead of a wire…

Low-Power Electrolasers…are non-lethal weapons. They deliver both an electrical shock and a minor laser burn.  The laser beam inflicts 1d-3 burn damage. It needn’t penetrate to carry the charge. Smoke, fog, rain, or clouds give extra DR equal to the visibility penalty…  An electrolaser’s shock is a HT-based affliction attack with a (2) armor divisor (each 2 DR on the location struck provides +1 to HT). Add +3 past 1/2D range. If the victim fails to resist, the shock stuns him. He may roll against HT every turn at the same penalty (but without the DR bonus) to recover. Electrolasers also affect machines that are Electrical. Electrolaser weapons produce a “zap” sound, no louder than a silenced pistol, and the beam is visible. They are most effective in dry climates. In humid conditions they are less accurate; the electrical bolt jumps off the laser path to paths of lower resistance. This gives a -2 to hit in moist, humid environments, and a -6 to hit in rain, drizzle, or heavy fog. In a vacuum or trace atmosphere, there is no air to ionize; the electrolaser only inflicts 1d-3 burn damage from the laser, with no additional linked effect…

Any electrolaser may have an optional “kill” setting that uses up two shots instead of one. It takes a Ready maneuver to change settings. On “kill” the weapon transmits a higher-amperage current. Any HT roll that fails by 5 or more triggers the Heart Attack mortal condition (p. B428). For electrical machines, a “heart attack” results in the target’s electrical systems burning out until repaired.


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