B195 – Fast-Talk Skill





Defaults: IQ-5 or Acting-5.

This is the skill of talking others into doing things against their better judgment. It is not taught (intentionally, that is) in school; you study it by working as a salesman, confidence man, lawyer, etc. In any situation that calls for a reaction roll, you may make an Influence roll against Fast-Talk instead; see Influence Rolls (p. 359).

If you have Fast-Talk at level 20 or better, you get +2 on all reaction rolls where you’re allowed to talk! 

Note that Fast-Talk differs from Acting (p. 174). In general, Fast-Talk is used to get someone to make a snap decision in your favor, while Acting is used for long-term dissimulation. However, there are situations in which the GM could allow a roll on either skill.

A successful roll also allows you to predict the possible outcome of a course of action when you are negotiating, or to choose the best approach to take. 

Modifiers: +2 for Voice (p. 97); -3 for Low Empathy (p. 142); -1 for Oblivious (p. 146); -1 to -4 for Shyness (p. 154); -2 for Stuttering (p. 157); -5 for Truthfulness (p. 159). 
The GM may ask you for details of the story you are using, rather than just let you say, “I’m using Fast-Talk.” Your approach and the plausibility of the story may further modify the roll, at the GM’s discretion.


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