G-129-Oliver: Crystal Coast Resort

Resort Map



Oliver does remember a small notice on the doors saying they are alarmed.  He’s not had an opportunity to see them from the other side. 

He’s registered here as an attendee at the conference and is free to wander through the conference centre as he pleases, though other than the resort staff near the centre entrance who are mainly looking to help anyone that seems lost, no-one seems to care much who goes where.

If he wishes to enter the conference centre and check things out, he will discover it’s lightly-to-moderately trafficked, with occasional bursts of heavy activity as different conference sessions end and begin.  The conference centre itself is arranged as a series of concentric floors around an open central space that runs the full height of the building.  The floors are a mix of differently-sized rooms and open exhibition spaces.

What would you like to do?


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    How far did he get with his emp grenade thingy?

    Does he know how to disarm the alarm on an emergency exit, I would imagine they’re pretty regiment in how they’re designed in most places.

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