G-112-Lia: Crystal Coast Resort, The Rotunda
MS wrote
It’s possible I didn’t put this very well when I stated Lia’s intentions. She picked up on the cues that trying to seduce him might be the wrong tactic, so instead, she chose to appeal to his protective instincts. Her conversation is not detailed, she is alluding to an individual rather than stating who he is until she drops a close mention as she’s leaving. She is not asking for help so much as attempting to inspire a sense that someone has wronged her, that this someone has made a habit of this behaviour and is therefore the villain in her story. She is slotting it into the ‘there are some people I don’t like’ angle of their conversation but it is more of a dangling carrot rather than a full meal if that makes sense.
She is aiming to leave him with an unpleasant impression of Zayaire but not answer all his questions.
Does that make any sense?
The Rotunda
That’s still consistent with my understanding, and the Envoy’s response. I’ll take it from that that she avoids his questions and shuts down him responding in a way that’s exploring whether he can actually act on those protective instincts and assist her. Are you happy with my interpretation of her actions?
Would you like Lia to do anything else during the conversation?
Otherwise, I take it she’s going to leave after the conversation’s done, yes? If so, what will she do next?
Yeah we can leave it there. If he pursues answers due to Lia’s rolls, I’ll try to figure out what happens next.
She went to the gym before breakfast, right?