G-063: Crystal Coast Resort, Oliver’s Room


It may be worth noting that the Overlord’s Household generally keeps a low profile.  People in the Dominion talk about the Legion and the Bureaucracy, sometimes about the Vizierate, but rarely about the Household and all its functions.  It is, of course, acknowledged that the Overlord and those who work at the Black Palace are surrounded by various staff members and flunkies, especially in the who’s-who and high society periodicals.  Lia (and Oliver) have some idea that the Household also contains security and intelligence operatives.

It’s also worth noting that anyone can be an Envoy, but it is common that Household members are appointed as Envoys.  Envoys are appointed by the Overlord to undertake various tasks.  A common one is to participate as part of the government of a planet as the Overlord’s eyes, ears and voice.  Historically, an Envoy was appointed to negotiate a peaceful end to the Enclaver Hiatus (as documented in the historical musical Hummin’ in the Deluge).  In short, an Envoy can be appointed to do anything the Overlord wants done personally, and which he may choose not to entrust to the Legion, Bureaucracy or Vizierate as an organisational body.

Zayaire interrupts the reflective thoughts above with a comment, “Money.  Favours.  Drugs and other addictions.  Information, either leaked or withheld, by which I mean blackmail. 

“These are the usual stock-in-trade of those that sneak off from their security details to meet strangers in parks.”   


Oliver’s Room

 Query:  What did you mean by ‘… a font to work with.’


2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Is this Zayaire asking or GM?

    Oliver is referring to being able to draw from the emails.

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia responds to Zayaire.

    “Considering the size of the package, it could have been any of those or information about all of them.”

    She gives a short sigh.

    “Since I chose to stay with the target rather than pursue the contact, we are unlikely to find out.”

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