G-051-Oliver: Crystal Coast Resort, Oliver’s Room
Yes, it seems that:
- The Woman = Sydney Noyes-Bowie
- Big Guy = Theodore Wasylow
- Little Guy = Leroy Morrey
So, for each message Oliver wants to try and open it’s:
- Optional Cryptography roll for a bonus (or penalty) on…
- … a Computer Programming roll to open the message
- Each message takes a Task of Oliver’s time…
- …unless he fails, in which case he can opt to take additional time
- which I’ll allow retrospectively per the way I’ve been adjudicating Argyle’s journals – eg, if he misses by 1 he can take 2 Tasks to succeed, if he misses by 2 he can take 4 Tasks to succeed – etc, per the additional time rules
- if he opts not to spend additional time, or he crit fails he can leave his laptop to try and brute-force the solution
- His laptop only has so much capacity, so every message he leaves to brute force has to share that capacity, unless he specifies tackling them in sequence
- His estimate, based on the complexity of the OverNet encryption, is that each message could require up to 1000 hours to brute-force crack using his laptop, which could mean the message is decrypted 40 seconds or 40 Cycles from when he begins each one
- He’ll need additional computing resources if he wants to go faster
So in practice, that’s 1 or 2 rolls for each of:
- Dox Guy
- Beji’s message
Noting that I only enumerated the six most recent messages – there are literally thousands more (but please don ask me to list all of them!)
Beiji is dox guy I believe, yes? I only remembered that part of his Name but its Beiji Something-Something-Dox. It’s hard to be consistant with only a phone at my disposal
13 v 12 to fail Cryptography.
8 v 15 on Programming