G-024: Crystal Coast Resort, Oliver’s Room
Jonathan Bifeker acknowledges Lia with a nod.
In response to Oliver he holds out a widget, “I’m told there is some additional information on there.”
“Our employer has asked for an opportunistic update, given I’m delivering this.”
“I can offer something small, though I’m not yet certain what it implies. The envoy slipped his security detail earlier and exited through the parking area. I tailed him to a park close by where he met a man at what was obviously a pre-arranged time and place and a small package changed hands. I was too far away to confirm what it was but small enough to go hand to hand without revealing it’s shape.”
She looks at Jonathan.
“Since it was the envoy delivering and the man doing the pick up, is there any possibility that our envoy is passing information and therefore open to bribes?”
While Lia talks, Oliver takes the widget and plugs it into his PDA so he can inspect it