G-013: Crystal Coast Resort, Ranulf’s On-The-Water, The Tank


Mundo Zargo is an odd place like that compared to the rest of the Dominion.

Because a majority of places don’t have a day/night that makes any difference to people, the Dominion doesn’t have time zones and everyone runs with a clock that is synchronised.  However, on Mundo Zargo the planetary rotations are almost identical length as the standard Dominion Cycle, and the spaceport and main settlements at a longitude where it currently gets light in Blue Shift – which is ‘evening’ for a majority of people across the Dominion.

So the answer is:  It varies.  Some people still work in Green shift and have daylight to relax in after work.  Some people (more than is common in other places) work in Blue and operate on a more traditional light-dark rhythm, relaxing in Red and sleeping in Green.  Some people still have to keep stuff running and work in Red.

It’s fair to say that as a result, Mundo Zargo is both busier and more relaxed than other places – with the population more distributed across a Cycle, Mundo Zargo doesn’t experience the same peaks and troughs as many other places, and it has a large enough population to support a level of constant activity.  

So after all that it might be better to say that a concept of ‘evening’ doesn’t really apply – Mundo Zargo is always busy, but rarely hectic, and ‘evening’ is an individual (or your boss’) choice.


1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    When we were discussing the habits of our current target with Zayaire, did we think to check which work/sleep cycle he was on? If not, can we say we did? 🤪 Since our characters would probably have thought to query that but we don’t live in with the same cycles and might have completely forgotten that aspect…

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