F-649: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

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The Quartz Room

It seems likely he didn’t want to get into the discussion with Lia more deeply with Oliver present.  He doesn’t seem totally satisfied but seems to have decided it’s not important enough to explore further at this moment.

Zayaire takes the final bite of his snack and rises to his feet, adjusting his jacket to best effect as he does so.

“I’m taking the fuzzer,” (he’s referring to his pink noise generator), “but the room is relatively secure and it’s booked through to Green Shift.  Use it for as long as you wish.” 

Zayaire nods to each of them and heads for the door.  

He pauses briefly on the way out, “Good luck with your efforts, and I appreciate you making your respective choices to assist me with my little problem.

“I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

He leaves.



I’m going to start a fresh module for the mission with the Envoy, even though we haven’t really met the preconditions I established for end-of-module, I think it’s appropriate.  

Note that Lia still has an uncompleted thread in this module from her conversation with Lexi.

Any final bits or comments, possibly a quip to black?


6 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will ask Lia: “How are you? Did that go as you expected?”

    After following that line of questioning, “Maybe we should get some rest, think of a plan after we’re refreshed.”

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will watch Zayaire leave but she won’t rise.

    In response to Oliver’s questions:
    “Not at all. It was…surprising. I agree we should rest before formulating some kind of plan. Can you…”

    She waggles her fingers at the door Zayaire just exited through.

    “…fuzz things like that? Might be a good idea for our conversation.”

  3. Oliver Starr says:

    “Hm, I can try. I don’t have the device but I might be able to do something a bit weaker.”

  4. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    “See what you can do.”

    She stands.

    “We’d best see about some accommodation.”

  5. Oliver Starr says:

    “Shall do.”

    He’ll stand with her.

    “Do we take up the offer of trying here or search for something else?”

  6. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    “I think here would be convenient. Close to everything we need and hopefully they can accommodate us.”

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