F-635: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

The Briefing Materials

The surveillance notes contain the following details that come to Oliver’s attention on initial read:

  • The security detail comprises two males (dubbed ‘the big guy’ and ‘the little guy’) and one female
    • Big Guy works Green
    • Little Guy works Blue
    • The woman works Red
    • The woman seems to be the most technically savvy regarding surveillance tech
    • All are discretely armed 
  • One of Zayaire’s agents has noted the Envoy tried and failed to chat up a restaurant server
  • An agent has noted that the Little Guy becomes bored with static surveillance and likes to move around 
  • The on-duty security detail is never very far from their principal, but not always in line-of-sight, Zayaire’s agents suspect the Envoy carries an alarm to summon them if needed
  • One of the Agents has made a note that a lot of the security depends on keeping a low profile ‘security by obscurity’ rather than active defence


The Quartz Room

“Of the local possibles, my preference would be for Assistant Secretary Markov-Wrikster.  Other than that, I would prefer an older candidate from Zargonia – likely to be minimally reformist and initially cautious without a local power base.

“My preference would be to not see Under Secretary Shwanda Bakkur-Ophala-Jandicot-Oakey in the role.”


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will make note and pass that information onto Lia after the meeting.

    “Does your preference to not see Shwanda in the role take precedent over any of your preferences for who does get the role?”

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