F-634: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

The Briefing Materials

Oliver can roll Research with a +1 bonus and get a result within the meeting.


The Quartz Room

To Oliver, Zayaire gives a disarming, but – it must be said – slightly smug smile, “Something like that.”

To Lia, “I agree, there may not be evidence.  For your mere effort, I will make an effort with your Captain.  For solid results, in whatever form they take, I’ll remunerate.  If I can corroborate a verbal report, I will make good.”


3 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia considers that whilst Oliver peruses the widget.

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    11 vs (13+1) Research

  3. Oliver Starr says:

    “Who are your competitors? Do you have a preference for who takes seat?”

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