F-633: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

The Briefing Materials

Lia’s examination of the photo reveals no insights.

Oliver can roll Speed Reading for a possible bonus to a roll on Research for anything he can glean from the while they still have Zayaire available for questions.


The Quartz Room

“Ah, yes.  No.  I need to clarify that.

“If it turns out that I am likely to be appointed Governor, then if possible, I need you to sabotage my chances just enough to steer the Envoy to whoever they think is the next-best candidate without significantly damaging my reputation.

“I really don’t have time to be Governor of Mundo Zargo, but I have a number of enthusiastic supporters who have attempted to be ‘helpful’ and spent quite a bit of political capital to promote me.  Were I to turn down a nomination the reputational and political damage it would do to me would be significant.”

He takes a pause to observe both Lia’s and Oliver’s reactions.

“In exchange for these services, I will divert necessary resources to expedite the safe exit of Captain Karmen and the rest of your crew from the, ah, situation at the Estate.

“In addition, I am aware that surveillance and interfering with an Overlordly Envoy are not without risk, and, if you can give me hard evidence or other relevant intelligence of the Envoy’s intent I will compensate you ʄ100,000, to be divided between you as you see fit.

“If you can prove successful intervention, I’ll triple it.”


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia is not overly surprised that Zayaire doesn’t want to be governor. She was surprised when she thought the opposite, frankly. He won’t get much of a reaction from that announcement.

    “What would you consider to be hard evidence? It strikes me that there may not be any evidence.”

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    8 vs 16 on speed-reading

    Oliver looks up to Zayaire. “Easier to run Mundo Zargo if you aren’t running it?”

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