F-630: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

The Envelope

The envelope contains a high quality hardcopy image (a ‘photo’ for us contemporary types).  It looks to have been taken in a public place somewhere and is a half body shot in 1/4 profile.

The man in the photo would have sharp features but they’re softened by a slightly chubby face, a hint of jowls forming as age starts to take effect.  A thick head of hair, beginning to grey at the temples, and a salt-and-pepper beard, neatly trimmed.  Olive skin, pale brown eyes.  He stands with good posture, has broad shoulders, though there’s a hint of a rotund belly at the bottom of the image.

There’s also a widget in the envelope.


The Quartz Room

Zayaire indicates the widget, “that’s what I have on him.”

In reference to Lia’s comment he says, “I take your point about influence, but the first thing is to establish whether influence is necessary.  If things can proceed to a satisfactory conclusion without intervention, that is much less risky.”


2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “And even if influence is required, maybe a small push for an undecided mind is all it’ll take.” Oliver pulls out his PDA and reaches for the widget.

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia flicks her eyes from Zayaire to Oliver and then returns them to the photo.

    She does not respond.

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