F-629: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

Zayaire answers Oliver’s question first, “from what’s been observed, he has a fairly generous schedule.  A few meetings here and there and then plenty of downtime, some of it he seems to be working, but other times it seems recreational.  He has, yes, taken time for a few drinks here and there, like many visitors here, in Blue Shift when its both Rec Time and day light for many people.”

He looks to Lia, “I see what you mean about the long con, and if we had the luxury of time I would agree.  But as we don’t, it means a different approach is needed…”

He trails off, obviously thinking.


3 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    “Maybe a pretty lady can strike up a conversation over a drink?”

  2. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    “That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting through the security check and maintaining conversation or contact long enough to have a level of influence over his choices.”

    She will pick up the package Zayaire placed on the table and open it.

  3. Oliver Starr says:

    “Well that depends if it’s necessary, from what I understand our primary objective is simply to find out what he is thinking, then influence if possible.”

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