F-628: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

“Denise is efficient, congenial, witty and I’ve generally found her patient an helpful in my dealings with her, though I’m told she can have a sharp tongue for some.

“In the context of our discussion,” he takes a moment to study Lia, it’s assessing, and only slightly sexual, “Denise is a little taller, a little darker and a little slimmer than you.  Fifteen or so, attractive but not beautiful, with a mature woman’s confident charisma.”

He raises his gaze from Lia’s curves to meet her eyes. 


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Her gaze is thoughtful but otherwise non-committal.

    “The service you require to properly achieve this is a longer con than we have time for. Assuming I was able to approach this man, his security team would tag and vet me.”

    She turns to Oliver.

    “Is there anything you could do about that?”

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver scratches his head. “Maybe, depends on how they /tag/ people. If you needed some sort of identity we could work that out, otherwise we’d want to simply look as unthreatening as possible. He isn’t going out for drinks at any point during his day?”

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