F-625: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

The sandwiches seem freshly made but are otherwise uninspiring.

“I can tell you what I know about a member of the Overlord’s Household based on Zargonia who only came to my attention a dozen Cycles ago, not enough time to get detailed intelligence from my contacts on Zargonia.

“The Envoy is a Forerunner, native to Zargonia with a HE in Dominion Studies.  Parents Sheba Reks and David Faktori, both Bureaucrats.  After graduating from Higher Ed he worked for the Cultural and Education Bureaus before disappearing into the Overlord’s Household for kiloCycles.  He next pops up in mentions as a Household Liaison to the Secretariat of Octant Zero, before being appointed as an Envoy to sit on the civilian governing council at Outpost Harrison.  He was there for less than a kiloCycle before returning to his old job on Zargonia.  Now he’s here.    

“He is 19, has no spouse or children.  His behaviour since arriving here suggests an individual who is intelligent, an observer of people, introverted but amicable, social drinker, heterosexual, slightly overweight, no obvious significant vices or weaknesses.”

“Since he’s been here he’s met with Assistant Secretaries Markov-Wrikster, Crough-Whittle and a number of Junior Secretaries, including Panchas Tog, who is Governor Haugh’s personal assistant and Denise Willbury the local Secretariat Office Manager.

“Outside the Bureaucracy he has met with Viziers Burua and Farbello, Legion Under Marshall Gollins and Over Commander Penderberry and some of their senior staff, and spent some time at the local Household preserve.”

He pauses again, letting them digest the info-dump.


3 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    “Any hobbies or interests outside of work?”

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    “Any information about the security of his accomodation when he’s not around?”

  1. 2022-05-13

    […] sent and then received from names Oliver heard mentioned by Zayaire, both candidates and people who Zayare mentioned the Envoy meeting with, including Zayaire himself.  That […]

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