F-621: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room

Both Oliver and Lia assess that Zayaire has probably recently taken some sort of stimulant; he’s projecting calm and confidence, but there is a hidden edginess about him betrayed by small physiological cues.

He grasps Lia’s hand warmly for a second, “It’s good you agreed to come.”

He turns to Oliver, offers his hand again, “I am Zayaire.  You must be Mer Starr.” 

Assuming Oliver responds in kind will receive a firm and respectful grip as he looks Oliver in the eye. 

Zayaire will give them an opportunity if they wish to say or do anything, otherwise, as the person who called the meeting he will continue.


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will sit at the table but will wait for Zayaire to state his business.

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will sit as well and wait to be pitched.

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