F-620: Crystal Coast Resort, The Quartz Room


The door opens, interrupting anything else they might say.

A man appears in the doorway, slim, handsome, well dressed.  Lia recognises Zayaire.  Presumably the Overcrat, Oliver will note he is young for his position, he’s perhaps 12 or 13

“Reddening, Mers.  Jonathan?”

He steps in and makes way for the man behind him.  Lia recognises Jonathan, who gives her the tiniest nod.  

Jonathan begins walking around the room, a small device in his hand.  Oliver can tell he’s checking for bugs, possibly explosives or other devices as well. As he passes by the monitors on the walls, he puts a small device on each one, Oliver would assume this will prevent possible surveillance using their cameras and microphones.

When Jonathan is finished lapping the room, he nods to Zayaire and leaves, closing the door behind him.

Zayaire’s clothes are immaculate, as usual, and he carries himself with presence, but he looks a little tired and his eyes are bloodshot.  

If Lia wishes, she may roll Body Language or Streetwise.

If Oliver wishes, he may roll Psychology or Streetwise.

Zayaire was waiting quietly for Jonathan to finish, with him gone he gives a small smile.  He acknowledges Lia first, “Emerald.”

He will offer his hand to her, will she accept? 


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    6 vs 14 for Body Language (I have the same score for Streetwise)

    She will take his hand.

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    7 vs 11 on Psychology

    “Reddening, overcrat.”

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