F-606: Crystal Coast Tour Aerostat

Lia is gently stroking the arm that is making holes in the seat.

The hair on the back of his neck is raised, as is that on his tail, which was draped over the arm rest but is now stiff.

He opens his eyes and looks at Oliver, holding his gaze and not looking out the windows.

“Ssorry.  Ssurrrprissed me,” he says, his chest heaving deliberately as he slows his breathing, “ffeelling betterrrr nnnow.”

Deliberately he reaches under his seat where he has stowed his bag and pulls out an elaborate PDA.

He bats Lia gently on the arm with his tail, then focusses his gaze downward on the PDA and begins to read, avoiding looking out.


2 Responses

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Lia will continue to stroke his arm unless he actively wants her to stop.

  2. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver nods and goes back to absorbing the views.

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