F-279-Oliver: Mundo Zargo Highport, Lower Concourse, Public Net Terminals
As an expert in this area, Oliver is aware of the generally kept secret that the Vizierate do make some use of wireless networks, though it’s limited.
Only in extraordinary circumstances does PubNet use wireless comms; if it’s needed it’s more likely that it will be a dedicated laser link or even infra-red than radio. For example, when Oliver connects Maldemar 732 or Spanial to the Net, while he can use radio in an emergency, he will usually use a laser link and one of the Highport’s multiple comms lasers will be tasked to send data to his ship.
It’s only MilNet that makes extensive use of wireless comms.
As to connecting with his LDA, it’s not specifically designed for general wireless access, but it turns out he can hijack the LDA’s message functionality to get a basic level of access to MilNet.
A quick scan tells him it’s nothing very secure, but if he wishes to proceed, give me a Research roll to see if he can dig anything up.
Hm, no, if it’s not secure he doesn’t want to proceed.
He might do a little street scrounging to see if there’s any rumours though.