F-165-Oliver: Spanial (Hyperspace to Mundo Zargo)

My thought was a time-based authentication key that could be built into a cable connector.  Like a security dongle you’d use for a bank account or remote IT access, but built into a connector cable.  Where previously Ipan or whoever would plug their external device into a data port, now they’d plug Oliver’s dongle-cable into the dataport, the cable would add the authenticating code based on an internal clock matched to the ship’s clock and they’d plug their device into the other end of the extension cable.

So the authentication is based on having the correct object that generates a time-sensitive code.  Without the object a person accessing the system would need to know the code generation algorithm based on time and have their device generate that.


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    That seems like a good idea lets run with that.

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