Electrolaser Holdout Ring

  1. :
  2. Equipment
  3. :
  4. Weapons
  5. :
  6. Electrolaser Holdout Ring



The electrolaser holdout ring is designed as a concealable weapon of last resort, able to avoid weapon detectors, taking the form of a bulky jewellery item, usually worn on the index or middle finger.

The weapon itself is a miniaturised version of a holdout electrolaser, designed to operate of a non-rechargeable custom binary A-power cell, whereas the usual holdout electrolaser operates from a much larger B-cell.

In order to evade weapon detectors, the power cell is disconnected for usual operation – with the chemical components of the cell separated.  In the disconnected state the ring has +10 to Holdout rolls to avoid detection as a weapon by weapon detectors.  (Note:  To conceal the ring itself apply +2 to Holdout for the item’s size, per the riles for Holdout skill [B200].)

Before firing, the user must take a Ready action to activate the ring by twisting the top bezel.  It then takes 1 second (one combat round) for the power cell to charge (the wearer is made aware of it’s readiness by a tingling sensation in the band.)  The ring can then be fired by touching a small stud concealed in the design.

In the armed state, the ring has it’s usual +2 size-based bonus against weapon detectors.  Once armed, the ring can be made ‘safe’ by twisting the top bezel back, increasing the Holdout bonus to +3.  However, the +10 bonus cannot be restored until the cell is reloaded.

Reloading is fiddly requires at least an improvised tool, and takes 60 seconds with one of the custom-made cells (100 Money each.) 

Some models are available with a single lethal shot by turning the top bezel in the opposite direction.  On such models, the setting can be altered by taking a ready maneuver to do so. 


Electrolaser Holdout Ring

Dmg Acc Rng Wt RoF Shots ST Blk RCL Cost

HT-2 (2) aff

linked 1d-3 burn





3 (60)


